Monday, May 26, 2008

Anti-News Channel

This will become the place to visit throughout the ups and downs of life. This will be a sort of anti-news-commentary commentary. Because life is inherently beautiful. We all know it. It's so easy to become bogged down with work, hectic schedules, the toxic media, etc; that we forget why we are here, we lose touch with what it means to be human and alive today.

It gets messy.

We lose sight of the wonderful things that are out there. And they are out there. Why does it seem like it's just so darn hard to find them?

Hence, the r'asion d'etre of this blog (other than that I can use my random French 101 phrases, like r'aison d'etre). I want to pull together as many of these positive news articles, art, affirmations, inspirational pieces, humor and anything really that could act as a mood lifter.

A place to come when things maybe get bleak and dark and you want an uplifting form of instant gratification.

I was looking for the perfect story to set the tone. I found a few things, but not the ultimate babies-and-rainbows article. What I found:

  • A story about a 96 year-old who published his first book (it can be done!)
  • A story about someone returning $8,000 to a man who lost his wallet

Then somehow, I ended up watching news bloopers on Youtube! for a while. Why is it so funny when people fall off ladders, curse unintentionally, get socked in the groin, etc.?

Then I decided, laughter is good too. Nothing beats a case of a self-inflicted pity party like a good old man-goes-into-the-bar joke. Well, for me anyway. But we won't limit this blog to just man-goes-into-the-bar jokes, as, I am willing to accept the fact that not everyone finds them as funny as I do. Or a good pun. Love a pun. Who doesn't?

Toilet humor, anyone? Check. Inspirational stories and quotations are good too. For you know, a good old healthy cry (what, PMS - you have heard of it?). I'm not saying everyday, because, that would be weird.

Parodies. Satire. Funny songs. Poems. Anything that is the opposite of the News at Eleven.

Now here is the tone. Is it set enough yet?

Good. Send any or all of the above here. Reject toxic media. Accept only the uplifting, positive and positively funny (to someone). It will do wonders for all of us! Me, you and Tiny Tim.

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